

Hardcover, in a slip-cover gift box presentation, with color photographs. 8 inches x 8 inches. Text by Vance G. Martin, Introduction by Ian Player, Photography by Patricio Robles Gil.  

The President of The WILD Foundation shares his own experience of wilderness – - both as a concept and as a place — with perspectives on what wilderness means to him in his personal and professional lives, its importance in an international context, how it is defined, and how we can best act to protect it. He confirms that wilderness is an increasingly rare and special place on our planet which provides ecological services that support all life; fosters human prosperity, health and sanity; and conveys a special and singular spirit. More than that – if such is possible – wilderness is the actual home in which the human race evolved for countless millennia, so it connects us to who we are, informs us about how life survives and thrives, and inspires us to be responsible stewards of planet Earth.


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